Swoon in the Community

We believe in the power of being part of the community and knowing our neighbors. It makes us a better team. It makes this a better world.

We could punch in and out like some 9-to-5ers, but we wouldn’t have the heart it takes to be an award-winning team of recruiters. Day in and day out, we swoon together. With our team. With our communities. With our cities.

Take a few minutes to learn about the causes we support and read our stories from the field. And then don’t be shy! Pitch in at one of these organizations this year too.

Building a Culture Remotely

Throughout this Leading with Purpose segment, we discuss how to foster culture in a remote environment, ways to increase employee engagement, specific initiatives that Nutrabolt has implemented within their company, and unique ways to recognize your employees.

Fostering Gender Equality and Diversity in Big Data

Morgan Templar, Advisory Board Member at Swoon Consulting, discusses hiring based on potential, putting hiring managers through unconscious bias training, increasing flexible working options, and the need for mentorship.

Making an Impact, Advice From Diverse Female Leaders

When McKinsey conducted their annual study on women in the workplace for 2020, they found that for every 100 men promoted

Swoon’s 5th Annual Silent Auction Event Was The Best Yet!

On Friday, March 22nd, Swoon hosted our fifth annual fundraising event to raise money for Almost Home Kids (AHK),

Swoon’s Fourth Annual Fundraising Event Benefiting Almost Home Kids

Last Friday, March 23rd, Swoon and NextGen Global hosted our third annual fundraising event to raise money for the

Putting On Our Poker Faces For A Cause

On Thursday, January 25th, fifteen Swooners volunteered to work at the 5th Annual Mercy Home for Boys and Girls Poker

Some Brown Nose, We at Swoon Prefer Red

From the moment I stepped out of Walgreens with 60 Red Noses to pass out to Swooners and NextGeners

Swoon Recognized as One of the Fastest Growing Female Led/Owned Companies

The Women’s President Organization and American Express recently recognized Swoon as being in the top 50 Fastest Growing Women-Led/Owned

Swoon’s Silent Auction for Almost Home Kids a Big Success

Earlier this month, Swooners got together to host a silent auction to benefit a really great cause. We raised

We Enjoyed Being a Part of these in 2015

Maybe you’re looking for some charitable organizations you can help out this year. We learned a lot, had a

Want us to make you Swoon?

If you have questions about our community programs, please contact info at swoonstaffing.com or tweet @swoond. Have business-related questions? Let’s talk about it.